Meet Jackson

‘Action Jackson’ is my oldest child and only son. He is a ball of energy. From the womb, he never stopped moving and just keeps going. He is bright, creative and funny, but isn’t a stereotypical boy. Sports, cars, and dinosaurs aren’t his thing, but he loves science, math, creative play, board games and solving problems.

Jackson has ADHD, which, in his case, means he is impulsive, hyper and forgetful. These struggles make traveling challenging at times. But with ADHD comes the quick moving on to other exciting things when original plans don’t work out. He also has the most energy and excitement on trips for the things we see. How to travel with a child with ADHD here. {Coming Soon}
We took a one-on-one trip with Jackson to Italy. It was a fantastic trip where we were able to focus only on him. I highly recommend this kind of travel. Read about our itinerary here.
Writing about Hong Kong
The week we returned home from Hong Kong, my 4th grader had a writing assessment. He was given the title, “Oh, the Places You’ll Go” and all the rest was his own thoughts, ideas, descriptions. I didn’t even see his memoir until he handed me the finished product. I love the thoughts and memories he had from our family trip.
The purpose of writing this blog is to help families go on trips and create memories with their children. I’m hoping to share that you can travel with a small budget and still have great memories and create strong family bonds. Traveling with your kids is definitely worth the extra efforts.
Oh the Places You’ll Go
by: Jackson Harper, age 9
Have you ever wanted to see an amusement park that was a mix between Sea World and Disneyland? Or have a card that you could use in McDonald’s, the subway and more? Without a doubt, Hong Kong (HK) is the paradise place I would love to go.
I think that Ocean Park is my favorite place in HK. I really like the Grand Aquarium there. It has all sorts of fish! I like the ones that look like they have huge eyes, giant brains, and fat bellies. There are gigantic stingrays that are 6 feet long from their mouth to their tail. There are also these awesome rides. I’ll take a cable car to the other side of the mountain. There is this roller coaster called the Dragon that goes upside-down 3 times!
The subway has a map of the station on every train. And I memorized it! The subway is a big part of HK. There is also this card called on Octopus card. You could just can it on a scanner to buy anything! I think you can only use it in HK, and it probably makes it easier for HK residents. I’ve seen an octopus scanner at the Peak Tower, at the Subway station, and at every restaurant.
Do you ever wonder what it would be like to experience Hong Kong? Even though I’ve been there before, I still want to go again in future times.
Isn’t this a great memoir? Don’t you want to take your kids on a trip right now?
What did we Do in Hong Kong?
Our family went to Hong Kong for 5 days. We spend under $500! Read exactly how to spend less in Hong Kong here.
I also shared with you an ideal itinerary for 5 days in Hong Kong with Kids.
YouTube Star?
Also, my son Jackson really wants to make it as a YouTube child ‘chef’ {as he calls it}. This is his channel’s first video. It is pretty entertaining. Especially considering he cooked these cookies 100% without help. It took him over 1 1/2 hours (yes, I edited though 90 minutes of footage!!). And it was an epic fail! He is totally ok with being a Krazy Kid. He would love your view or subscription to his channel!
I sure love this Krazy boy! Proud to be his Mom!
What do you kids love about traveling? What makes it challenging?
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