When life takes an unexpected turn, it’s difficult to know how to cope and how to move on. Our country has been slammed by several major natural disasters this month. Along with the thousands of displaced and suffering, my sister-in-law, Lori and her husband, Jim experienced the wrath of Hurricane Harvey in Houston.
Our family visits Houston and her family of six frequently. Especially now that we live in Texas, we see each other 4-5 times a year. Their home is beautiful! Lori is always so hospitable and welcoming to our entire family. This is a home near and dear to our heart.
The Coles Story
As Harvey was approaching, I called Lori to offer to bring her kids to Dallas. Lori wanted to stay near her children and protect her home. She made casseroles to feed her family and neighbors, anticipating being trapped in their home for the week. Her husband prepared by sandbagging around the home and moving furniture up on risers. And then they waited and watched and the water rose and rose.
Watching the news and coverage from my comfortable home was so surreal and shocking and devastating, especially knowing that my own family was living this nightmare. Luckily, all her children were safe out of harm’s way. But to see your life’s saving and beloved home be swallowed by the muck was unimaginable. I think everyone in the country was glued to the screens with open mouths and tear-filled eyes. My prayers heavenward never ceased. Pleading for help was all I could do from afar.

Lori sent pictures of the water up to her ankles, and then her knees and finally her chest. She and her husband traveled in and out of their neighborhood on a raft and canoe. When they finally left their home to find a safe place to sleep, they were unable to close their front door because of the water and worried about looters. Despite being in need of help and service themselves, they packed up the casseroles in coolers and set sail to find families to feed.

A few days later the water receded and the reality of the long road ahead settled in. By God’s grace, the Mormon Helping Hands group came to her home and helped get everything, including the flooring, the sheetrock, the appliance and all furniture out to the curb for trash. Everything they had worked to make their home theirs was gone.

It feels so wrong to be living life normally while others are suffering so much. Somehow I want to be able to take their pain and heartache and share the load. As insignificant as it feels, I’m trying to do something. I’m raising funds to help them get back on their feet. We’re donating baby supplies to shelters here in Dallas. My husband and I are headed to Houston for the next 3 weekends in a row to help with demolition and rebuilding. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. There is so much to be done.

But God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of POWER and LOVE and of a SOUND MIND (2 Tim 1:7).
Throughout history, we see the power, resilience, and courage of the human race time and time again. Our homes, buildings, families, communities, and nations can be completely destroyed, but people are able to rise from the ashes, come up out of the depths of the flood water and rebuild. We will rebuild our priorities based on what is truly lasting and important. We will fortify our faith in the Creator of the world. We will rebuild our hope in a bright future. We will take courage in knowing that all things work together for our good.
Even during the flooding, my sister fought to see the good, find things to be grateful for and even witness miracles. Her example is inspiring. As we rebuild the physical parts of her home, my hope is that we will build again our trust and faith in God who has a plan for our progress. His plan sometimes includes difficulties and suffering, but always includes overcoming.
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I love this story. And the way you told it was beautiful. Thanks for sharing!
Love the true belief, heartfelt sincere love I felt throughout this whole post. You’re a hero to them already.