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NonRev Flyers have awesome perks.  Mainly, flying free all around the country! But there is a certain culture that comes with last minute, never-booked seats to any destination.  How many of these are true about you, or the standby traveler in your life?

{NonRev means a Non-revenue or a non-paying passenger.  Employees of the airline have the opportunity to fly free on any leftover seats on any of their flights once a plane is completely boarded.  Kind of makes you want to go get a job with the airlines, right?}

Signs you might be a Non-Rev Flyer:

You have your suitcase packed and loaded… always.
You only own carry-on sized luggage.
Your first stop on the way home from having a baby is the post office to get a passport.
Airplane wing from the window of a plane
Getting a window seat is a perk for some, getting a seat at all is like winning the lottery for NonRev flyers.
You plan your destination based on ‘best bets’ (a Tool AA has for showing which flights have open seats).
Your kid’s first song is “Because Great is what we’re going for”.
Knowing the names, capacity and seating arrangements of different planes is essential information for the NonRev passenger
Your child never has perfect attendance.
It took you longer to fly there than to drive (but it was still cheaper!).
You keep an overnight bag and swimsuit stashed in the car because you never know…
You’ve made 3 connections to get from Illinois to Ohio.
You see a 777 as a taxi.
2 girls play under a table at TSA security checkpoint
Your kids think the airport is their second home
You have to check the monitors when you land to see where you are.
Looking at the flight load to Hawaii is your travel porn.
You can take a week trip with only a backpack and roller board.
You ‘accidentally’ trip people who are running for their flight, helping out your fellow NonRevs.
You pray to the standby gods.
You’re glued to your phone and non-rev app as each seat gets assigned.
a boy and girl rock in rocking chairs while waiting for a flight traveling as a NonRev passenger
Standby travelers get really good at waiting and waiting.

You start counting the people in the waiting area to see if you’ll get a seat.

You look at the departure board for delayed flights you might get on.

You curse at revenue standby passengers for messing up the count.

You get a middle seat on the back row of the plane and feel like you won the lottery.

a 6 year old girl sleeps in first class on American Airlines with a first class breakfast waiting for her.
Flying First class in lay-flat seats as a 6-year-old? Lucky
You have to hold yourself back from jumping and cheering when the gate agent calls your name.
You reserve rental cars in various locations because flying standby, you never know where you’ll end up.
You wait to reserve a hotel room until you land at your destination.
a baby sits in a car seat attached to a carryon as mom pulls her through the airport
You are creative and efficient at moving through security and the airport

Do any of these sound familiar?  What other signs of a NonRev Flyer do you exhibit?

You might also be interested in reading about Essential Tips for the Standby Traveler and 10 Questions to Ask Before Traveling Standby.


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