Setting goals and having a life bucket list is something I love. It gives me something to reach for, a focus and a purpose. I love the sense of accomplishment and success when I can achieve my goals.
In 18 months I will turn 40. It’s not a year I dread or am trying to avoid, but I love making goals and pushing myself to accomplish new things, so its a great time to reach for the stars.
I compiled a list of 40 bucket list accomplishments I want to complete before I turn 40. Some will be challenging, on-going and long and others will take only minimal planning or execution.
40 by 40 Bucketlist

1. Run/Bike/Swim a Triathlon
I’ve been trying to do a Triathlon for multiple years in a row now. This is the year to commit to a race and get it done!
2. Lift Weights Twice a Week for 3 Months
I love working out, but cardio fitness is my go-to. I’ve never been a consistent strength trainer. Despite having a gym membership for 5 years, I rarely touch the equipment. I’m a little overwhelmed and unsure of the benefits of strength training. I think a solid 3 months of it will help me conquer my fears and see if I like it. Can you recommend any training plans?
3. Go without Sugar for 1 Month
I’ve tried this goal multiple times and can’t seem to do it, which makes it even more important! Going without is a unique bucket list item, but I’m excited to exercise the self-control.
4. Do an Unassisted Pull-up
I’m hoping that after my strength training I’ll finally be able to pull my own body weight up. Never been able to do it with my noodle arms, but I’m going to work on it.
5. See Wicked
I’ve heard good things and like the music, but haven’t invested in seeing the musical. Did you enjoy it?
6. Listen to the Music in “Hamilton”
I know nothing about this play, but so many friends love the music. Maybe I will even see it if I like it enough.
7. Read 40 Books
In 2018, I didn’t read a single book! I was appalled, so in 2019 I read 10 books. Reading 40 will be challenging. I will have to purposely read or listen to books consistently to reach this. I usually love self-help books, but easily get lost in realistic fiction. The youth books I read with my kids will help me reach this goal. Send me all the recommendations.
8. Take a Parenting Course
I am always trying to become a better parent. Reading books, completing classes and setting goals to improve as a mom is so essential for me. Are there any courses you’ve taken that have helped you? This positive parenting course I took 5 years ago was very helpful.

9. Take a Photography Course
As a travel blogger, good photography is essential. As a mom with a hobby, my photography skills have not ever been developed. It’s not too late to get better at it.
10. Send my parents on a trip OR help them paint their whole house
Giving back to the ones who gave me so much goodness in my life is important to me.
11. Go on a Romantic Date
Dinner and a movie tend to dominate our dating life as of late. Putting a little more effort into planning something unique, fun and romantic would put a little spice into our dating
12. Plan an Epic Group Date Night
I love planning group dates. I just did a fun competitive minute-to-win it date night. This time I’m thinking yard games, volleyball or nerf war. Any other fun group date nights?
13. Write and give a Public Speech
Not sure when or where this will happen, but I enjoy the challenge of public speaking.
14. Perfect one Meal the Whole Family Likes
My picky eaters are hard to please. Right now everyone only likes 2 meals, chicken tortilla soup and lasagna. They have become my signature dish. I need to add another loved recipe to this list. What does your family love?
15. Go on One-on-One Dates with Kids
I know that individual time with each of my kids is so valuable. This is where we really connect and have meaningful conversations. With our Pogo Pass, we have plenty of free options for dates with the kids. Getting them on the calendar and following through will be the challenge.
16.Volunteer at a Nursing Home/Senior Center
I volunteered at a nursing home as a kid and would love for my kids to have the same experience. Interacting with the older generation and learning compassion for those in difficult situations can be so beneficial. Plus, I hope it would bring a smile to their faces to have little ones around.
17. Do Something Good for Someone who doesn’t know who I am
Not sure how this will play out, but I love looking around to surprise someone with something good.
18. Be Generous in a Big Way
Not sure what this will mean, but I want my eyes open to an opportunity to help make a difference for someone.
19. Save $25,000
We recently depleted our savings to buy a new car, carpet and a bathroom remodel (not to mention our travel adventures this year). Its time to build it back up. With my side hustles, Airbnb Income, and frugal spending choices, I think this goal is reachable.
20. Make a Retirement Plan
We have a loose retirement plan, but putting some solid numbers in place would be more helpful. Also, we will be increasing our 401K contributions to 10% of our salary.
Travel Blog

21. Travel to 2 places on my Travel Bucket List (see below)
We travel standby which means we don’t get to plan specific destinations. I have a running list of my favorite places and getting to 2 of these is my goal.
22. Reach 10k on Instagram
It took 2 ½ years to get to 4,000 followers, so this goal may be a stretch. But having 10K followers gives the swipe up option which can link people directly to my blog.
23. 20,000 Views/Month on Blog
This will double my highest views/month which is a lofty goal. But what is the point of writing it, if nobody reads it? I need to share my blog articles on Pinterest and Facebook groups to get more exposure.
24. Get Paid to Travel
I’ve worked for 2 ½ years on my blog. I created tons of free articles and travel content. For my hours and hours of work, I want the value I’m creating to provide compensation for travel with my family.
25. Publish 50 Blog Posts
This is nearly 1 post a week. Since my articles are in-depth, it’ll be challenging to accomplish, but I’m up for it!
26. Read the Book of Mormon Individually and with my Family
We are in a pretty good habit of studying the Bible every night as a family. I’m planning on this continuing so we can finish the Book of Mormon as a family this year. Reading and studying on my own will be more challenging as I haven’t found a time that works well for me.
27. Study Baptism with Mariah
Mariah will turn 8 right before I turn 40. This means she will be able to choose to follow Jesus and be baptized. I want to spend time studying with her in this exciting life event.
28. Memorize the New Young Women Theme
When I was a teenager I recited a motto weekly at church that helped me get through those tumultuous years with purpose and focus on a higher goal. This year they released a new motto that will be my daughter’s theme. I know that having these positive and faith-filled affirmations in my mind with be beneficial day-to-day
29. Go to the Temple Once a Month
A temple is a place of peaceful meditation, worship and prayer. I leave the world outside and spend time focused on an eternal perspective. I always feel a deeper sense of purpose and more love when I spend more time in the temple.

30. Find a family name ready to take to the temple
We do work for our ancestors in the temple. I need to learn how to do family history. It’s free on Family Search.
31. Read Scriptures Every Day
Seeking God daily is always my goal. But lately, life has been trying to crowd out my time for prayers, study and meditation. I will take time each day to read in the scriptures.
32. Hire an Interior Designer and Decorate a Space
Designing and creating beautiful spaces is something I dream of, but I have come to accept that it is not my strength. It’s time to put my money where my dreams are and pay someone to help me create a beautiful look
33. Write myself advice and gratitude from my 80-year-old self
All my life coaches encourage the practice of imagining the life you can create by picturing yourself in the future. Writing a letter from your future self can help you create the life you want now.
34. Sleep Under the Stars
I use to love camping and getting outdoors. With the hassle of camping with kids and all the gear needed it can get more and more difficult to do, but it’s worth the effort.
35. Try 5 New Restaurants
Do you ever get stuck in the routine of the familiar? There are so many eating options in our area, and far too often we stick with what we love rather than branching out to find new favorites. It’s time to explore a little.
36. Spend a Day at the Spa
I have NEVER done a spa! Pampering myself usually comes last, so this year I will give myself some self-care.
37. Hire a House Cleaner
I have never had a house cleaner. I figure it is just as easy to do it myself and I’d rather use the money for something else, but maybe I’ll take a week off…
38. Watch the Sunset Over the Ocean
This is one of my favorite memories in all my life. I always stop and slow down for a gorgeous sunset over the landscape.
39. Run in the Rain
When I was younger and didn’t worry about the cold, or the laundry, I loved running with the rain pouring down. I don’t want to lose that carefree part of me that loves a spontaneous joyful run in the rain.
40. Do Something that Scares Me
Maybe fear of heights or putting myself out there. Maybe conquering my fear of conflict or rejection. One way or another, I will do something that scares me to complete my bucket list.
What is on your bucket list this year? Anything else I need to experience before I turn 40?

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#2 – I did this program last year and loved it! You can get the book a lot cheaper used! The New Rules of Lifting for Women: Lift Like a Man, Look Like a Goddess
oh thank you!!
do you have this book I could borrow to see if I like it?
Love this list of 40 before 40. I started setting personal goals last year to create more work life balance – see 12 live music shows, work out, write blog posts and seriously wrote Do Something Fun x 12. I also wrote a letter to myself from future me at end of 2020. I can’t even think about me at 80 yet, but love the thought.
Thanks for the inspiration!
I like the idea of settinga goal for seeing live music!
I LOVE your list! It made me think that I can do more! I love a Bucket List idea rather than 3-4 goals I have to do all year. It seems more achievable. Thank you!!! Good luck!! ❤️
some of them are simple and quick but others will take a while, but I like checking things off my list
Wow! I really wish I’d noticed I was turning 40 to set some fun goals! I have a friend (the one who has your life coach) who has an online photography course she loves.
Looks like a fun list!
Oh send me the photography course info if you can get it!