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Sometimes, I am a mom who dreads summer.  All the chaos, messes, lack of structure and sibling fights can sometimes drive me batty.  But this year, I am craving the late summer nights, the freedom to roam and the time to connect with my kids.  Creating a Summer Bucket List helps me look forward to the fun and create the life I want.  

I have the best ages for summer this year.  My 10, 7, 5 and 1-year-old make life so much more exciting and amusing.

a Brother and 3 sisters sitting on a bench
Jackson, Hallie, Mariah and Whitney will make this summer so much fun!

The toddler might make the water activities a bit challenging, but she adds so much joy and happiness to the everyday activities.  Her delights in discovery are so fun to watch.  The older kids love exploring the outdoors and visiting museums, so it’s exciting.  I can’t wait for all the time we get to spend together!

Here’s what I’m looking forward to checking off our summer bucket list.
  1. Make homemade ice cream
  2. Eat homemade popsicles
  3. Family game night
  4. S’mores on a fire
  5. Road trip
  6. Try something new
  7. Read 50 hours and complete summer reading program
  8. Run through the sprinklers
  9. Sleep in a tent
  10. Watch a firework show
  11. Go to a water park
  12. Picnic at a splash pad
  13. Play in a creekDad with 3 kids plays in a creek
  14. Sleepover with cousins
  15. Science experiments
  16. Go to the zoo
  17. Go to the Planetarium
  18. Visit the Arboretum
  19. Make Slime
  20. Video game night
  21. Make a new friend
  22. Bowling or mini golf
  23. Watch a sunset
  24. Blow bubbles with Whitney
  25. Build a sandcastle
  26. Raft on a lake
  27. Wash the car
  28. Serve Grandma and Grandpa
  29. Games at a nursing home
  30. Run in the rain
  31. Sidewalk chalk art
  32. Hike in a National Park2 young kids hike in a forest
  33. Attend a library program
  34. Random Acts of Kindness Day
  35. Ride bikes
  36. Go Geocaching
  37. Write a book and illustrate it
  38. Complete 2 Faith-in-God requirements
  39. Memorize 2 paragraphs from The Family, A Proclamation to the World
  40. Swim in a lake
  41. Swim in the Ocean girl stands on a skim board and pretends to surf in Ocean short
  42. Visit a science Museum
  43. Swim in a Pool
  44. Visit a Botanical Garden
  45. Make your own pizza
  46. Paint rocks
  47. Go to an outdoor festival
  48. Play Bocchi, lasso golf or croquet
  49. Make an obstacle course
  50. Attend a family reunion
  51. Learn 25 new piano songs
  52. Climb a tree
  53. Visit a children’s museum
  54. Make a fort
  55. Cook something new
  56. Go to the Drive-in movies
  57. Unplugged day
  58. Learn a new song
  59. Play in a creek
  60. Date night with Mom or Dad

Travel Summer Bucket List

We always have several places in mind for travel destinations.  Since our family travels standby we have to see where the flights take us.  As usual, we have more on our travel list than can possibly be accomplished, but here’s hoping!

  • Both Grandparents in Utah
  • Phoenix on a work trip
  • 5 National Parks in Utah
  • Rent an RV for a road trip
  • Iceland
  • California
  • Denver
  • Glacier National Park
  • Parents only trip to London and Ireland

Summer Bucket List Printable for Kids

For the younger kids to be able to visualize their summer bucket list, I created a poster for them to visually see what we are hoping to do this summer.  If you are interested in a customized version of this summer bucket list. Please email me at jamie @ flybytheseatofourpants.com {remove spaces]
Download the free printable Kids Bucketlist

What are you doing this summer to create memories with your kids?

Sign up to get the update at the end of the summer for how we did on our summer bucket list.

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