For my ‘Funny Friday” post, I have an experience from our most recent flight.
The flight was smooth-sailing. I always try to go to the bathroom before the descent just in case I can’t go for a while. As I felt the descent begin, I realized I hadn’t taken a break yet. So I passed the baby off to my husband and headed in to take care of business.
In the middle of this process, the planes hit some major turbulence. I am rocking from side to side and up and down. I’m getting sea-sick. And I realize I need to get out of there! I wipe as well as I can while rocking around. I jump up trying to wash my hands, flush and get my pants up at the same time. I’m worried somehow the stuff will exit the toilet and get on me before I can get it to flush. I start panicking. We then hit the worst turbulence I’ve felt in 6 years of traveling! My feet leave the ground and my head hits the ceiling with my pants down. For some reason, not having pants on when you hit the ceiling is so much worse!
I’m not sure at this point if my hands were wet from the cleaning water, the toilet water or what else, but I’m getting outta there!

I’m pretty sure my pants were up as I exited the bathroom, but they definitely weren’t done up! I couldn’t get my seat fast enough! I grabbed the baby and tried to walk as carefully as I could. Holding every seat as I passed and gripping baby tightly. I finally sat down and locked the baby in as quickly as I could.
We didn’t hit another bump until wheels down. (Yes, I did use lots and lots of hand sanitizer, and zip my pants up).
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